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Our guest blog this month comes from Minoti Parikh, who shares her thoughts and videos on confidence, which many of us could do with right now.

There is always this massive hype around creating goals and setting resolutions every new year.  Do I believe in goals and setting targets – YES ABSOLUTELY! In fact, strangely enough I was always the first one to set goals in my family. I think it was my excuse of getting my hands on new stationery! (I LOVE all things stationery!)

However, over the years I have realised that it is important to take your time to set these targets and to make sure that you follow these through. More often than not a tiny, tiny seed of feeling like an imposter seeps in when we are setting our goals and that can cause us to feel anxious and lead us to feel like we lack confidence. Many times, people look at confidence as something that you need to ‘fake’ in order to make an impression. I have always looked at confidence as the ability to believe in yourself and to showcase yourself in a genuine way. You can term it whatever you like but the fact is that we all need it, no matter what we do and where we are. I look at this as a two-step process – step one is all about working on our self-confidence or the ability to believe in ourselves and step two is about ensuring that you show up and speak up about this belief. It sounds simple but we often struggle with making sure we get it right 🙂

So then how do you make a start? I share my short video tutorials with you that will hopefully help you through this journey so read on:

1) Working on our self-confidence. Through this video, I share a mini version of a tool that I use whenever I am feeling like an imposter. We all feel it and it is important to acknowledge those feelings of self-doubt as well. I ask you to ask yourself three questions, answers to which should most definitely make you feel more confident about yourself.

Working on our self-confidence Video

2) Projecting Confidence in a virtual world. Along with beginning work on your self-confidence, I would also recommend taking up every opportunity you get to share your life, your story and your experiences with other people. This process can be extremely daunting so start small, but most definitely START SOMEWHERE! My next video shares some quick tips on how we can project ourselves with confidence through our body language and overall presence. Please remember though whatever you do, try to check in to see if this is an extension of who you are.

Projecting Confidence in a virtual world Video

3) How to build a successful professional relationship? Finally, I genuinely believe that ‘people buy people’. The reason why we work hard on our communication skills, on our body language etc is to ultimately build genuine relationships and to connect with our tribe. Through this next video I am sharing my top three tips for building a successful relationship through effective communication. Simple tips that we often forget to keep in mind before we start a conversation.

How to build a successful professional relationship Video

There is a plethora of information that I can share around confidence building but the idea here is not make you feel overwhelmed, but to instead share some practical tips on re-igniting that belief in yourself and making sure you show up in your true power. I believe the time is NOW for you to shine and what better way to start your year than by working on yourself and your confidence.

If you would like any additional support, my next open online course on ‘Confident Speaking’ is happening on the 20th of January. The link to sign up is here:

Book your tickets for the public speaking workshop here

Any questions please feel free to reach out to me on [email protected] or [email protected].

Have a lovely 2021  Minoti x

To contact Minoti please email her at [email protected] or visit her website at www.minotiparikh.comÂ