0113 434 4041 [email protected]

I am regularly asked “what’s the best …” so I thought I would share a few of my favourite systems here for you.

Password storage is a buzzword. We all need to keep our passwords secure and a password manager is the best way to do this.  LastPass is the system we use and recommend to clients. Its free (paid version is available) and you can use this to store (and create) your passwords, as well as bank cards, addresses etc.  If you need to share passwords, this system lets you do that securely too.  Find out more here: LastPass

Social media planning – I love Content Cal. It has a free option (with paid for options should you need them), but it’s also very easy and simple to use. Find out more here: Content Cal (affiliate link)

If your to do list is taking over, why not look at a task management system? There are lots available, but our favourite is Asana. It couldn’t be simpler to use.  We use the free version and this offers more than enough functionality for us and most of the clients we have introduced to it.  Find out more here: Asana

Online document signing – if you need a document signing, why not use Hello Sign? You get 3 free documents a month and if you need more, you can pay per month to get unlimited documents (it’s about £10 a month depending on the $ exchange rate – just remember to cancel before the end of the month!).  Find out more here: Hello Sign (affiliate link)

Need a printer? If you need a cost-effective home printer check out the HP Instant Ink ranges.   The printers, which can also include scanners and photocopiers, are small enough to sit on a desk/cupboard, but the beauty is the ink is monitored and when you need some more HP send it to you in the post!  Prices start from £1.99 a month for 50 pages.  Find out more here: HP Instant ink (affiliate link)

Cyber insurance (and other insurances) are so important.  We use Markel, which have been great.  They get what we need and arrange cover accordingly.  You can find out more and get a quote here: Markel (affiliate link)

We all need to print off photos every now and then, and Freeprints is an app which is great to have on your phone. It pulls photos from your social media links or your phone itself, and you get up to 45 free per month, just pay for the delivery.  They arrive within a few days too.  If you need larger photos you can upgrade easily too.  Just download the app to your phone and enter invite code “arussell1066” to get us both an additional free 5 prints a month for 6 months. (affiliate link)

Free money off your mobile phone in reward for shopping? Sounds too good to be true, but with Airtime Rewards that’s exactly what happens.  This works on most of the major mobile networks, its free to sign up and you can start earning straight away.  To find out more click this link: Airtime Rewards, download the app to your phone and enter code “FGWKYCF8” in the promo code section (affiliate link)

Do you have any tools of the trade you cant live without? I would love to hear more about them – contact me on [email protected]

In the interest of being open, where it says (affiliate link) I may earn a referral bonus, or we may both do, depending on the package available. If you prefer not to follow these links feel free to google the relevant product and sign up directly.