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Putting the Hero in Xero

What is Xero?

It’s a cloud-based accounting tool that I frequently mention. Invoicing and accounting are quick and easy with Xero.

What makes Xero the hero of bookkeeping? 

Well, It’s dead simple to use. And, let’s be honest, anything that makes finance easier must be worth a second look, right?

Because not everyone is an accountant, enjoys numbers, or wants to spend time keeping their accounts up to date.

However, utilising Xero makes things easier for you.


You can teach it new skills! Therefore, it accomplishes things for you automatically, without you having to do anything other than set it up. You can set up a rule to automatically process any interest payments you receive.

As an example,

You can list more than one account. This is an excellent option if you have a business account, savings account, company credit card, or even a director’s loan account. Transferring between them is simple. Then it stores all your finances in one location.

Your bank statements can be fed in automatically, ensuring that no transactions are missed and that you do not have to download and store your statements each month.

Pay for anything with Direct Debit? Simply set up a recurring bill for the duration, and each month, as if by magic, a new bill materialises ready to be matched with the payment out. The same is true for the bills that you must send each month.

People that don’t pay on time? No problem: just set up an automatic invoice reminder (you can have up to 3, each with different wording, getting a little sterner each time).

Accept online payments; attach them to your Xero account, which will match up the payments for you.

And a massive amount that loads more would make for a lengthy blog article if I kept typing.

So, if any of the great things Xero can do have your interest, give us a call. You may select from our setup, coaching, and continuing management services.

And, if you want to try out this fantastic system on your own, we might be able to offer you a discount on a new membership.

Find out more here: CONTACT – Crescent VA

Want to learn more about Xero before you decide? Follow this link for access to a helpful product brochure HERE