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Many people think social media is scary – but I promise it doesn’t have to be.  With a few hints and tips you can take back control of your social media in no time.

Warning – we are self-taught, and never proclaim to be marketing experts, but we spend a lot of time working with clients on different platforms to get the best results for them.  If you are looking for marketing advice, I can direct you to people who can support you in that area.

I am going to share some easy content ideas to get you up and running:

  1. So, the social bit – talk about you. why did you set up your business, what inspires you, your opinions etc. These are great ways for people to get to know you. That saying “people buy from people” – this is where it comes into play. Example: Took the day off today to build this mammoth Lego set with my daughter.  She now thinks I am the coolest parent in the world – I don’t know who enjoyed it more, her or me?
  2. What you do – this is slightly more of a sales post. Explain what you do and how it will benefit people.  Example: I offer business coaching to small businesses with less than 50 employees, and this will help you by adding clarity to your business.   Add in a call to action “want to know more, get in touch today”
  3. That long list of services on your website? Write them down and expand on them and add each one in as a post.  Example: We offer personalised financial advice for your mortgage, specialising in first time buyers and those who have struggled to get a mortgage in the past.  Spread them out, 1 a week or every 2 weeks and you have a load of content there.
  4. Case studies. Sharing how you have helped other people is a great way to post on social media.  Change names etc if need be, but always ask your clients if they mind being quoted (most people love the publicity!).  Example: Mr X came to us because he needed to review his life insurance.  We went through his circumstances, and what cover he wanted to provide and came back to him with 3 options for cover.  We talked him through the benefits of each one, enabling him to make an informed decision and were able to support him through the application process and he now has full cover in place for him and his family.
  5. Reviews and Testimonials. It’s easy to ask for reviews on linked in – there is a button for it!  Get a link on Google to add to emails etc.  Or ask for them in an email – please will you write me a review of our latest work. Add them to a graphic in Canva and post them on social media.  If you can, tag the person who left the review – tagging helps build engagement, but not if you tag 300 people in every post.
  6. Going somewhere? Be it virtual or face to face, talk about it! Add in a photo of you at the event. Tag the event organiser, and venue if possible. Example: Great to attend the national association of vineyards summer conference today.  So many great wines to choose from and taste.
  7. Who doesn’t love a good statistic – get them quoting in your social media. Example: Did you know that energy prices are set to rise by 250% in the next 12 months?  And only 34% of people have the funds available to pay bills of this level.  If you can, share your source as this adds to the credibility of the stat, and it goes without saying that they must be real stats.
  8. Awareness days are great to get people talking and build engagement. Example: On international 3D printing day, I’m sending the love to all my fellow printers out there (by the way this is a real day!) You can google awareness day calendars and then choose the ones that are relevant to you. But be careful – don’t go mad with them. If every post is an awareness day, people will turn off from your content. Make sure they are relevant. Its ok to throw in the odd one about national doughnut day as a bit of a fun post but not every post.

 So, there are 8 ideas for you to create some quick and easy content, but if you are still thinking what the ….

Then do get in touch and our social media team can help. Contact us today at [email protected]