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I would say not! Having spent 4 months early in 2018 researching this heavily, attending various workshops, and taking advice from “experts” including reading various papers and articles from the ICO it would appear that we are still not 100% certain what GDPR actually is?

My initial research suggested that any data collected prior to 25 May 2018 could remain on your mailing list as this was covered under the previous Data Protection Act.  Any new data collected after this date had to comply with the regulations.  Sounds simple enough yeah?

So why are we all still getting it all wrong?

A major supermarket doesn’t provide you with an option to opt in, you still have to opt out. I thought this was against the new regulations, but apparently as you choose to shop there, they don’t have to give you that option. That’s their legal basis to retain your information.

Another reasonably large clothing retailer has apparently deleted my details stored under their loyalty scheme as they were told they had to “delete” everyone’s data and start again, under GDPR regulations.

I’ve been added to numerous emailing marketing lists since GDPR, without my consent. When questioned, the businesses state that because I gave them a business card, they are allowed to add me to their mailing list.  Another one said that as I had connected on LinkedIn and my email address is on there, then I am basically “fair game”.

So, what’s the story? What does GDPR actually mean? How can businesses comply if the guidelines are not clear? Has it achieved anything, or just created a huge marketing monster?

What are your thoughts?  For more information feel free to visit the ICO website