0113 434 4041 [email protected]

The client was working with a lot of documents, papers and templates that had previously been designed in a way that could not be edited or that they weren’t all succinct.

We took those documents and changed them into templates that were simplified, easily editable, branded and fit for purpose.  This streamlined the process of pitching to potential clients and following up with them, and eventually taking them through the journey of services with the client.

The benefits included:

Time saved in the initial proposal – eradicating the frustration of a difficult to use template means it is quicker, easier and the focus is purely on the content and end client.

Branded – everything looks and feels consistent now, meaning a prospective client gets the same experience right through to the end of the project.

If you would like to learn about how we can help you manage your business more efficiently, then get in touch for a no obligation chat.