0113 434 4041 [email protected]

Well – what can we say? I guess I could just write one word for this review of the year and leave it at that.  But do I really want this year to be defined by that and that alone?


So much other great stuff has happened in 2020 and I want to celebrate that if I may?

We rebranded – only 2 years into the business it was clear our logo wasn’t doing to job, so we worked with a graphic designer to give it an updated and cleaner feel, and we have had loads of positive feedback on it which is great.

In line with this, our website also had an overhaul – again working with a web designer and copywriter to make sure the message was correct and looked good.

The team has expanded – we’ve brought on 2 new team members this year to help with client requirements.  And another team members is joining us from January.  That’s increased our skill set and expertise, as well as the number of hours we have available to clients.

Our client base has grown.  We’ve been able to continue to support our existing clients throughout COVID-19, thanks to our flexible offer, but it’s been wonderful to welcome some new clients to the Crescent family too.

We’ve used some of the quieter times to update our knowledge and skill set within the business, meaning we are able to offer new services to our clients.

We won an award, or 2! Oh yes we did – North East England VA of the Year 2020, no less, and then Runner up in the England VA of the Year 2020.  And we have a couple of shiny glass trophies sitting on the shelf to prove it.

And that’s just the business stuff.  My family and I found places nearby that we didn’t even know exist, we’ve learnt new skills and had fun (balloon badminton anyone?).  We spent time together that has made us realise how important we all are, and how precious life is.  We’ve lived without things we really didn’t need, and used our imaginations where we had to (the pretend birthday cake was the best!).

But most of all we survived, and we have got to the end of this year in one piece.  I am thankful to those people who look after us when we need them to, and who have been on the front line daily throughout this, but most of all my heart goes out to those who are not here to read this review today.

So as 2020 draws to a close, I ask you to put down your phone, laptop, whatever, and look around.  Enjoy what you see in nature, and be with the ones you love (socially distancing rules apply of course!).  2020 may have been tough, but it didn’t beat us. Here’s to 2021 – bring it on!