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We all get told we have one, we also get told we need to step outside ours.  But how often do we really do that?

It’s not an easy thing to do is it? Why would you push yourself out there, to do something you’ve never done before, for pleasure, in case someone saw you make a mistake, or not enjoy it!  As humans we are not conditioned to do any of those things – we like the norm, the safe, the “what we know”

In 2019 I did just this – I volunteered at the AJ Bell World Triathlon Series in Leeds.  It was 2 days of standing Roundhay Park in Leeds, supporting anyone that needed me. I didn’t know what my role would be till I arrived, and that’s where I found myself out of my comfort zone.  I’m one of those people that I like to plan.  As much as I can. And when that planning is taken away from me, I will be honest, my hands get a little warm and my heart races just a tad.

But do you know what? I am SO glad I pushed myself and took part in the event – OMG what a total buzz!!!  On the Saturday I supported the team on the finish line – which was pretty full on getting it all ready before the competitors set off, but then I was asked to hold the finish tape and support the runners as they came over the finish line.  It was such an honour to hold that tape I can tell you.

Sunday was a little calmer, but still an important role, looking after competitors’ bags and making sure they were labelled, secure and in the right place.  Seeing them all return after completing their triathlons and being able to reunite them with their bag quickly, whilst congratulating them was great.  Each one of them had pushed themselves much further than I had.

I slept so well on both nights, and my bones ached the next day, but it was one of the best experiences I have had in my life. So much so that signed up to the following year’s event (which was then cancelled due to Covid).

So, go on, what are you waiting for, get that comfort zone pushed out the ay and go and live your life to the full. If I can do it, anyone can!